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STAR Interview Questions Assignment

STAR Interview Questions Assignment

Q #1 Choose 4 questions from the sample interview questions document above that ask you to tell about your prior experience Example " Tell me about a time or situation....... Answer your 4 questions using the STAR format. Please demonstrate that you understand the way to formulate a strong interview answer. Please format your homework as follows: Question: (Type it here) S T A R #2 Answer this question in the STAR format: Tell me about a time when someone asked you to do something that you didn't agree with or didn't think was right. What did you do and how did it turn out? #3 Develop 4 questions you will ask at the end of the interview based on the 4 C's in the Video : Questions to Ask at the End of the Interview #4 Answer the question: Tell me about your weakness. (Use the format from the Answering the Weakness Question video to share your weakness): Identify it, talk about how you identified it, what you are doing to work on it and why this is important in your future career. Submit all in a word document Rubric STAR Interview Questions STAR Interview Questions Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome4 STAR questions 40 pts Full Marks 30 pts Proficient Answered 3 questions, or missed component of STAR, Almost complete answers on those answered 20 pts Novice Answered only 2 questions, maybe limited info provided, or no result 10 pts Partial Did not use STAR format, or did not answer all 4 questions 40 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntegrity Question 20 pts Full Marks 7 pts Partial Did not answer in STAR format 0 pts No Marks Did not answer 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuestions you will Ask 20 pts Full Marks 15 pts Proficient 3 questions 10 pts Novice 2 questions 5 pts partial 1 question 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWeakness Question 20 pts Full Marks 7 pts Novice Partial answer, or did not use the weakness formula 0 pts No Marks Did not answer 20 pts Total Points: 100 SAMPLE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS I. ADAPTABILITY Tell me about an important project/task/assignment you were working on for an internal customer in which the specifications changed. (What did you do? How did it affect you?) Tell me about a situation in which you had to adjust quickly to a change in organizational, departmental, or team priorities. (How did the change affect you?) Going from (position) to (position) must have been difficult. Tell me about a problem that arose when making that transition? (How did you handle it?) Tell me about a time you had to adjust to a company wide reorganization. (How did the change affect you?) Your assignment as is certainly very different from what you were doing before. Can you compare and contrast the assignments? (How long did it take you to feel comfortable doing the new work?) 6. During your career, what was the most difficult adjustment you have had to make? a. What was the situation? b. Why was this a difficult adjustment? c. What did you do? d. What happened as a result of your actions? II. COMMUNICATION This is an observable skill. You may want to use the following guidelines when assessing communication skills: • Mechanics - appropriate grammar and vocabulary • Organization - clear and brief • Delivery - rate, volume, gestures, eye contact • Listening III. COACHING 1. Tell me about a direct report/team member who became more successful as a result of your assistance/coaching. How did you assist/coach him or her? 2. Describe a recent time you coached someone. (What was the task? How, if it at all, did you involve the person in the process? e.g., Did you offer suggestions, listen to their concerns?) 3. We’ve all had a time when our coaching efforts weren’t successful. Tell me about a time you worked with someone, but that person failed to improve. 4. Describe a complicated task you had difficulty teaching someone to perform. (What approach did you take? Why were you successful/unsuccessful?) 5. Tell me about a time you provided feedback to someone after they performed poorly. IV. FORMAL PRESENTATION 6. Have you ever given a presentation to your supervisor/manager/team leader? Tell me about one of those presentations. How did you prepare? 7. What approaches have you used in presenting to different audiences? Give me a specific example. How did you vary your approach to meet the needs of the audience? 8. We’ve all had presentations in which something major went wrong (lost overheads, defective audiovisual equipment, hostile audience, etc.). Tell me about your most memorable presentation and what went wrong. 9. Have you given any classroom or workshop training? Tell me about a specific course or workshop you conducted. 10. Its hard for anyone to do a good job delivering a presentation for the first time on a new topic. Tell me about a presentation you did for the first time that didn’t go very well. V. INITIATIVE 11. Describe some ways you changed your job at . (What prompted you to make those changes?) 12. What has been your biggest achievement at . (What steps did you take to achieve it?) 13. Have you taken any steps to improve your skills or performance? (Give me an example.) 14. Describe a situation in which you saw a problem and took action to correct it rather than wait for someone else to do so. 15. Have you ever found any ways to make your job easier? (Give me an example.) 6. Give me some examples of things you have done that go considerably beyond what is required by your job. VI. NEGOTIATION 16. In what types of negotiations have you been involved? (Describe a recent situation. What was your role? What was the outcome?) 17. We’ve all had the misfortune of trying to negotiate with a very difficult person. Give me an example of the most difficult person with whom you’ve had to negotiate? (What happened?) 18. Walk me through a negotiation of which you are particularly proud. (What was your role? What type of preparation did you do? How was that data used?) 19. Tell me about a time you had to negotiate expectations with (parents, professor, peers). 20. What types of negotiating techniques have you used? (Describe a situation when you used them.) 6. What was the toughest thing you have ever had to negotiate in your business career? a. What was the issue? b. What arguments did you make? c. What tactics did you employ? d. What was the end result? VII. PROBLEM SOLVING 21. Describe an occasion when you decided to involve others in making a decision. (Why did you do so? To what extent did you use their inputs?) 22. We all make decisions that turn out to be mistakes. Describe a work decision you made that you wish you could do all over. 23. Your change from to was a major career change. What factors influenced your decision to change jobs? 24. Describe a problem you’ve recently been asked to solve. (What did you do? What alternatives did you consider?) 25. We’ve all had the experience of working against a really tight deadline that didn’t allow the luxury of carefully considering all options before making a decision. Give me an example of a time this happened to you. 6. What examples can you cite of your ability to apply prudent judgment in a delicate situation? a. Why was the situation delicate? b. What did you do? c. Why did you do it? d. What was the outcome? VIII. RISK TAKING 26. Describe the riskiest professional decision you’ve had to make. (How long did it take you to gather the information to make that decision? How long after that to make the decision? What was the result?) 27. It is impossible to predict the exact outcomes of a risky decision. Tell me about a risky decision you wish you had made but didn’t. 28. Describe a time you supported someone else’s idea that had a low probability of success. (Why did you support this idea? What happened?) 29. Describe a time you decided to try a new and untested approach to handling a problem. (What happened?) 30. Describe a time you decided to take a risk and you were glad you did. IX. STRATEGIC/VISIONARY LEADERSHIP 31. We’ve all had occasions when we were frustrated by not being able to implement Senior Management’s new ideas or vision. Describe a time when this happened to you. 32. What strategies have you used to communicate a major new directive of Senior Management to employees? (Which strategies have worked and which have not? Give me a specific example.) 33. Describe a time you had to significantly modify work procedures to align with new strategic directives. (How did you accomplish this?) 34. Tell me about one of the reward structures or incentives you established to help accomplish a major new directive? (How did it work?) 35. We often meet with resistance when trying to implement change. Describe a time when your manager or other managers were not pleased with your efforts to implement change. (What approach did you follow? What difficulties arose?) X. TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE 36. What technical training have you received? (Can you give me an example of how you’ve applied this training?) 37. Describe a project, situation, or assignment that challenged your skills as a (What did you do to effectively manage the situation?) 38. Describe a time you solved a technical problem. 39. Give me an example of a project that demonstrates your technical expertise in . 40. Describe how you’ve gone about learning a new technical task. XI. INTEGRITY 41. We’ve all been in situations in which we learned about an upcoming organizational or personnel change before people did. Tell me about a time this happened to you. (How did you respond?) 42. Has your manager/supervisor/team leader ever asked you to do something that you didn’t think was appropriate? (How did you respond?) 43. We don’t always work with people we consider ethical or honest. Tell me about a time you saw a fellow employee do something that you didn’t think was appropriate. (What did you do?) 44. Tell me about a time when a customer asked you about the weakness of your product/service. (What did you do?) 45. Give me an example when you were asked to do something you didn’t think was right. (What did you do?) 6. Give me an example of a situation that required you to compromise one of your basic principles. a. What was the situation? b. What principle did you compromise? c. Why did you compromise? d. How did you feel about it? XII. ATTENTION TO DETAIL 46. Can you tell me about a time you found quality defects in work outputs? (What was wrong? How did you notice it?) 47. We’ve all experienced times when we were just too busy to check all the details of a project. Tell me about a time this happened to you, and some errors slipped through. 48. Describe the things you do to control errors in your work. (Tell me about the last time those methods helped you? What did you do?) 49. Tell me about a time the details of something you were doing were especially important. How did you attend to them? 50. Describe a time you identified an error or problem that had escaped another’s attention. XIII. CUSTOMER SERVICE 51. In your job at , how did you know if your internal/external customers were satisfied? (Give me a specific example.) 52. Even though we may do everything possible to satisfy a customer, it always seems that some will complain about how they were treated. Tell me about the last customer who complained about the service you provided. 53. Tell me about a time you were able to respond to an internal/external customer request in a shorter time than expected. Contrast that situation with a time you failed to meet an internal/external customer’s request. 54. Tell me about the most you’ve ever done to try to satisfy a particular customer. 55. Tell me about a time when you effectively handled an internal/external customer complaint. XIV. LEADERSHIP 56. Tell me about a time you inspired someone to work hard to do a good job. (How did you do that?) 57. Tell me about a time you had to get an internal/external customer to agree to a major change in a project you were working on for him or her. 58. Give me an example when you led others in solving a problem? 59. What techniques have you learned in order to manage others? (Give me an example of how you have used one of the techniques.) 60. Give me an example of how you have specifically set an example for another employee? XV. INNOVATION/CREATIVITY 61. Tell me about a way in which you worked with your direct reports/team members to develop new and creative ideas to solve business problems. (Give me an example.) 62. Give me an example of a new way you were able to apply existing knowledge to solve a problem. 63. Tell me about a creative idea you had to improve one of your company’s products or services. 64. In your job as , tell me about the biggest contribution you have made. 65. In your professional career, what is the most unique/creative idea you ever contributed? XVI. ORGANIZATIONAL AWARENESS 66. Give me an example of how your knowledge of your organization’s culture helped you make a decision. 67. Describe an idea or change you implemented that affected other areas of your organization. (How did you learn of the effect?) 68. In the next six months, what major organizational issues do you expect you’ll handle? How did you learn about these issues? 69. Describe a time when you anticipated a major potential organizational problem before others did. (What did you do about it? Why were you the first to anticipate the problem?) 70. What is the corporate vision of your current company? (In what ways have you translated the vision into your organization/department/team’s everyday activities?) XVII. PLANNING AND ORGANIZING 71. Tell me about either a long- or short-term plan you have developed for your department. 72. What procedures have you used to prevent or control backlog in your work area? (Describe a specific instance when you needed to do this.) 73. What procedure have you used to keep track of items that needed your attention? (Tell me about a time you used that procedure.) 74. What objectives did you set for this year? (What steps have you taken to make sure you’re making progress on all of them?) 75. Explain how you decided which customers to see last week. XVIII. SALES ABILITY 76. We all have been in situations where we expected to win a big sale but didn’t. Describe a situation when this happened to you. (What went wrong?) 77. At one time or another, it’s impossible for a salesperson to overcome every stated objection. Describe a time this happened to you. 78. Describe a competitive sales situation in which you were able to successfully differentiate your offering (product/service). What was your approach? 79. Tell me about a time you persuaded someone to do something. (What was the situation? How did you persuade the person?) 80. At what level in the organization is your usual audience? (How often have you sold to that level? What is the highest level you have sold to? Tell me about it.) XIX. TEAMWORK 81. Describe a time you worked with a group/team to determine project responsibilities. (What difficulties did the group have? What was your role?) 82. Describe a situation in which you were able to help out a peer or team member? 83. Tell me about a situation in which you became frustrated or impatient when dealing with a peer, team member or other employee. (What did you do?) 84. What was the last idea you shared with a peer/team member? (Why did you share it with that person?) 85. Tell me about one of the toughest team/groups you’ve had to work with. (What made it difficult? What did you do?) 6. Tell me about a time when you helped a teammate or fellow employee. 7. Give me an example of your involvement in a successful team effort. a. What role did you play? b. Why was the effort successful? 8. Give me an example of your involvement in a team effort that failed. a. What role did you play? b. What factors led to the failure? XX. LIKES/DISLIKES When were you most satisfied/dissatisfied in your work? What was most satisfying/dissatisfying about that? Tell me about a time when you had many/few opportunities for _____________ in your work. How satisfied were you with that and why? Tell me about a time when you had a lot of challenge in your work. How satisfied were you with that and why? Tell me about a time when there wasn’t much room for advancement in your job. How satisfied were you with that and why? Tell me about a time when you were able to lead others. How satisfied were you and why? Tell me about a time when you were the center of attention. How satisfied were you and why? 7. With what kind of people do you most enjoy working? Why? 8. With what kind of people do you have difficulty working? Why? 9. With which of your past work groups did you most enjoy working? 10. With which of your past work groups did you least enjoy working? 11. In which of your past positions did you feel most comfortable (had a sense of belonging or fitting in the group)? 12. From a job content standpoint, which of your past positions did you enjoy most? Why? 13. From a job content standpoint, which of your past positions did you least enjoy? Why? 14. What type of work do you find most stimulating and rewarding? Why? 15. What type of work do you find least stimulating and rewarding? Why? 16. How would you categorize the kind of work you least like doing? 17. In which of your past positions were you most motivated and productive? Why? 18. From a job content standpoint, what factors most influence your level of job satisfaction? a. What factors enhance job satisfaction? b. What factors detract from job satisfaction? 19. In which of your past work environments were you happiest? a. Why were you happy? b. What specific factors contributed to your feelings? 20. In which of your work environments were you least happy? a. Why were you unhappy? b. What factors most caused your unhappiness? 21. Who was the best manager you ever had?

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